If you are interested in having your child baptized at Calvary, please contact the church office at 218-751-1893 for more information and to schedule a baptism.
CLICK HERE to fill out the Baptism Registration Form. The information provided ensures accuracy for certificates and church records.
Christian Baptism: a Lutheran Understanding
Why Baptism? In Matthew 28:19 Christ commands his followers to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” We believe that God, in the life-changing event of baptism, forgives sin, delivers from death and the devil, and gives everlasting salvation to all who believe God’s promises, from infants to elders.
Unlike some fellow Christians who may baptize in private ceremonies, Lutheran Christians baptize in our shared, communal worship time. We are all part of one another’s faith development—from birth to death. We need faith mentors, peers, pastors, and others to help us along our faith journey, so the whole congregation has a role in our baptism and faith life
What We Proclaim
- We all come to baptism “as infants” (even if we’re older when we’re baptized); that means that we get to rely entirely on God’s grace, not on our own understanding or effort.
- Baptism is something we remember and live daily through an active life of faith.
- Rebaptism is not necessary, even if you’ve strayed. God’s promise is good the first time and forever! Cling to it!
Marking this Special Occasion
There are lots of ways that you can celebrate baptism with your family member and thank God for the gifts we receive in baptism. Here are a few ideas: Sponsor worship in honor of the baptism, have a family member share special music during worship, or give a cross or book to commemorate the day.
Preparing for Baptism
Parents of infants/young children, if this is your first time going through a baptism at Calvary, contact the church office to set up a visit (probably an hour or so long) with one of the pastors. These meetings can be in-person or via Zoom. Parents who have had a child baptized at Calvary previously do not need to repeat this meeting. Families from out of town who can’t set up a meeting with Calvary pastors are expected to meet with their local pastor to discuss baptism; verification from your local church must be sent to Calvary. Youth who are 6th grade and above, as well as adults, will have a period of Christian instruction before baptism; this will be with a Calvary pastor or another approved Christian mentor.
Select sponsors (these are not legal guardians). Ask baptized and confirmed adults who will be active in the life of the one receiving baptism. Sponsors promise to pray, teach, and help the baptized person grow in faith.
Select a festival date (see dates above) after completing the preparation described above. Baptism is a celebration in the life of a congregation. Invite family and friends! If you would like to request a non-festival date for baptism please contact the church office.
Complete the linked registration form (linked above) at least two weeks prior to the baptism date. Information ensures accuracy for certificates and church records.
On the festival day you choose, baptismal instruction will start 15 minutes before the start of the service in the church lounge. At this time you will receive information on baptism, walk through the service, and receive your certificates. Parents and sponsors of the baptized are expected to attend. Please be on time.