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Confirmation Resources 2023-24
Confirmation is designed around the belief that adults are incredibly important to the faith development of our young people and that adults don’t need to be “faith professionals” in order to make a big and positive difference in the lives of our students. Confirmation is a time with students and adults learn and grow together.
We structure our program to make it engaging for young people and their different personalities and learning style. We start as a large group for prayer, announcements, and teaching. During our teaching we use various teaching tools and media to help communicate and illustrate the lessons of the night. After the large group teaching, students move from the sanctuary to small groups, composed of 2 adults and 6-8 youth people, to further process, discuss, and investigate the lesson.
A highlight for the congregation is hearing 8th graders share their faith statements during worship services in the summer. We grow together as a family by being touched and learning about our own faith through walking with these students.