On February 26, we are observing Ash Wednesday, which is the beginning of the season of Lent. We get marked on our foreheads with ashes to signify that “we came from dust, and to dust we shall return.” Lent is a quieter season of reflection on our own brokenness, with the realization that our only hope is in our Savior, Jesus. Watch our March newsletter for more information on how we will be honoring the season of Lent.
We will be offering three worship opportunities to receive ashes and Holy Communion on Ash Wednesday: a traditional service at 12:00 pm here at Calvary; a 12:00 pm word and sacrament service at Sanford Hospital in the chapel; and a 6:15 pm contemporary service here at Calvary. Following worship, our confirmation program begins its Lent mentoring program (contact the church office if you’d like to participate by being a mentor!).