Mark Your Calendar for Calvary’s Annual Meeting!
The Annual Meeting for the new fiscal year will be held Sunday, July 11th, immediately following our 8:30 am worship service.
The meeting will be held hybrid-style. You are welcome to gather with church leadership in-person in the sanctuary, but the meeting will also be held
live via Zoom web-conferencing for those unable or uncomfortable attending in-person. Your vote will be counted in either setting!
Agenda topics will include:
– Annual budget
– Nominations for Church Council
– Constitution and Bylaw changes
Additional details about the event will be shared in the weeks ahead. Watch your e-news blasts and the Calvary Facebook page as planning
continues. As was done for the Annual Meeting held in March, the staff and Council will make all pertinent documents and information available in
advance of the meeting so you have time to read, reflect, and ask questions.
If you are interested in joining the Calvary Council or learning more about what would be expected of you as a Council Member, please contact
Bethany Wesley, Calvary’s Council President. Bethany can be reached via email at or by phone at 218-368-1316. She
welcomes the opportunity to speak with you about what is expected of and accomplished by our Council Members.

- This event has passed.