Let us give our thanks and praise to God! May our worship lift up and praise the name of Jesus and may our entire lives be a blessing to others. We continue to connect virtually, trusting God’s presence is in all places, with all people. Please let us know your prayer requests, life happenings, feedback on worship and programs, and stories of where you see God working in this time.
If you are looking for a church home or need to contact us, please fill out this contact form.
Let us worship church…
Service/Activity of the week: Come up with 20 questions (What is a high/low from today, What is a hobby you would like to try, What 3 vocations would you like to try, What’s your favorite movie, Where have you seen God working, What has brought you joy this week, etc.) and place them into a bag or basket. At mealtime, pull out a question and go around the table having each person answering it.
Opening litany:
L: Christ is risen! C: Christ is risen, indeed!
L: A new life is given! C: God is alive!
L: A new day is given! C: Hope is alive!
L: A new peace is given! C: Joy is alive!
L: A new heart is given! C: Love is alive!
L: A new mission is given! C: The church is alive!
L: Christ is risen! C: Christ is risen, indeed!
All: Alleluia
Prayer: Risen Lord, only You are mighty to save! We give You thanks for the gift of new life made possible by the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. Breathe this new life into us and into the world through the Holy Spirit, today and always. Amen.
Scripture: John 21:12-19 (Please grab a bible and read out loud)
In this scene the Skit Guys portray a powerful conversation between Jesus and Peter which shows us the amazing Grace of God.
Reflection Questions for discussion below
In case you missed it, links to Nate’s Easter Sermon and Bonus Sermon from Easter Sunday:
Focus Song:
Prayers of the People: Choose someone to read each prayer, and pray the response to God together.
Heavenly Father, we thank and praise you for the glorious resurrection of our Savior, Jesus the Christ. Jesus has taken away the sin of the world, forgiven us and all people. Turn us around towards you again.
Lord, in your mercy: Hear our prayer.
Your Son said, ‘Peace be with you’. Bring your peace to the world and to our lives. Remove fear and barriers and bring healing and unity.
Lord, in your mercy: Hear our prayer.
Your Son appeared to Mary when she was weeping. Comfort those who are sad, lonely, and grieving. Be with those who are hurting. Bring restoration to those who are feeling broken.
Lord, in your mercy: Hear our prayer.
Your Son met the women and asked them to tell the disciples about his resurrection. Guide Christians everywhere to witness to the resurrection in their everyday lives. Make us all missionaries of the Good News! Be with those who are persecuted for their faith.
Lord, in your mercy: Hear our prayer.
Your Son conquered death by His death and won the victory by His resurrection. Be with those who are dying and lead them to life with you forever. Remove the fears within us and breathe new life into us today and always.
Lord, in your mercy: Hear our prayer.
Heavenly Father, grant that all who now celebrate these joyful holy days here on earth may finally praise you forever, with all the angels and saints in heaven. We ask this through your risen Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
Let’s pray the Lord’s Prayer together (click on the link):
Sending Song:
Discussion Questions
- What stood out to you during the video?
- When you think of God’s grace, what comes to mind? What other words correspond to God’s grace? (Read Ephesians 2:8-9, Acts 15:11, Romans 3:23-25)
- How is God’s grace similar and different than God’s love and God’s mercy?
- Why do we need God’s grace?
- What makes God’s grace so amazing (What did Jesus accomplish on the cross and empty tomb)?
- Peter experienced God’s grace in Jesus’s forgiveness after Peter denied Jesus on Maundy Thursday. Have you ever experienced God’s grace? When and how?
- How can we share God’s grace with others?