Let us give our thanks and praise to God! May our worship lift up and praise the name of Jesus and may our entire lives be a blessing to others. We continue to connect virtually, trusting God’s presence is in all places, with all people. Please let us know your prayer requests, life happenings, feedback on worship and programs, and stories of where you see God working in this time.
If you are looking for a church home or need to contact us, please fill out this contact form.
Let’s worship together, church…
Did you remember to give your offering?
Reflection Questions
- What did you hear in the video that stuck out to you?
- The video goes into the potential thought-process of the son and dad, was that helpful? Why?
- Who do you most resonate with in the video (the dad or son)? Why?
- What did it feel like to hear the perspectives of both people (sometimes similar, sometimes contrasting)?
- Are there times in your life when you would like to run away? Why?
- When is a time in life that you were overwhelmed with love and compassion?
- What do you think the main message of the story is for you today?
- How does that message affect the way we live life?
- What does it mean to call God, Our Father?
- How has God showed His love to you recently?
- How have you showed God’s love to others recently?
Service/Activity of the week: Write a letter of encouragement to a friend or family member. Include inspiration, bible verses and words of joy in your letter. Possibly add a drawing from a child and/or a small gift to go along with the letter. Before you send it, as a family, pray for the recipients.
God’s Story ~ Daily Family Faith Resources