The Bridge Capital Appeal – Let’s Finish Strong!
At the end of February we reached 95% of our pledge goal for The Bridge capital appeal. We are so very close to exceeding our pledges! Participation has also been inching up and we expect to meet our goal of 85% by Miracle Sunday 2.0, April 29.
To that end we are doing some special things to make it easy and fun to participate. First, you can sponsor a table at Miracle Sunday 2.0. Your $50 sponsorship gives you naming rights for the table and covers the cost for five kids. You can also participate in our faith quilt sealed bid event with the proceeds to go to The Bridge. You can even get your meal tickets early! Tickets are $10 each for adults over age 18 and free for those under 18, but we do need everyone, including kids, to have a ticket. You can grab your tickets in Calvary’s office and you can even pay for them online! Because food is involved and there is limited, reserved seating, we need you to get your ticket by Sunday, April 22.
We are also having a special second offering on Miracle Sunday. The goal is to raise one more mortgage payment ($9,811) just to seal the deal and end with a slam dunk! And, of course, you can continue to give to your pledge or to the Bridge all through April.
Jesus says, “I am the Way.” Let us boldly follow him!
Miracle Sunday Table Sponsors
Color the balloons! Sponsor a Table for Miracle Sunday! $50 to sponsor a table.
For your sponsorship you get to name your table (family name, book of the Bible, etc.) and you provide a meal for five kids! Put Table Sponsor and your table name in the memo of your check or in the space available on our giving page.
Sealed Bid Auction – Quilt
Help us finish our capital appeal strong! Place your bids on the Faith Quilt today!
We are offering this to all of our Calvary folks through a “sealed bid” auction. How does that work? Just place your bid in a sealed envelope with your name, phone number, and bid amount in the wooden bid box near the quilt. If you are unable to place your bid in person, just give us a call in the office, 218-751-1893, and we can place a bid for you! Each week we will open the bid envelopes and announce the new highest bid to beat. The winning bid will be announced at Miracle Sunday 2.0 on April 29.
Tonie Peterson donated this beautifully embroidered, queen size “Faith” quilt to use as a capstone fundraiser for The Bridge capital appeal.
The latest bid to beat is: $400
Thank you for your support!
Table Crosses for Centerpieces Needed
Crafty Creative Folks – create a cross centerpiece for the Miracle Sunday tables!
We have over 80 tables for our Miracle Sunday meal and are looking for 80 cross centerpieces to be donated. The crosses will be given away at the end of our morning together with our message of the day, “Blessed to be a Blessing. Crosses can be brought to the Calvary office throughout the month of April and before April 26.
Caleigh Concert
Come and hear the great local Celtic talent, Caleigh, on Feb 11, 2018 at 4:00 PM at Calvary Lutheran Church! Caleigh (Lenore Siems, Dee Furfaro, and April Larson) is a Minnesota band whose sound is earthy and eclectic – a fusion of world folk, Celtic, bluegrass, American Old-Time, and original compositions. This concert is a fundraiser for Calvary Lutheran Church’s Bridge Capital Appeal, designed to pay down the mortgage and fund property improvements, in order to free up capital for mission and ministry, a passion of their church. Tickets are $10 and available at Calvary Lutheran Church, or online below. There will be fellowship time following the concert so you can stay, visit and share some treats. We hope to see you there!
Second Annual Pie Social
THANK YOU to all who was a part of the 2nd Annual Pie Social – a fundraiser for The Bridge Capital Appeal. Pie was baked, eaten and sold for a wonderful morning of fellowship and fun. Over $4,000 was raised! Yea God!
On Super Bowl Sunday (and the following Wednesday) we collected coins to “Make A Joyful Noise to the LORD”. 100% of these coins went to support The Bridge Capital Appeal. The total amount raised was $569.39!! YEA GOD!
Click Here for 2016 Capital Appeal Financial Report
Sanctuary Renovations 2016
Click to hear the prayer dedicating our newly renovated sanctuary space on July 24, 2016.
Here is the power point presentation showing our sanctuary’s transformation!
July 24 16 Move In Sunday – Sanctuary Transformations
Click here to see the latest video update on our capital appeal, “The Bridge”. Consider joining us on our bridge to new life in ministry!
Our 2 Goals of this campaign are to have $2.0 million raised over 3 years & 85% participation by our congregation – both attainable if we all consider how we can participate in this push for better ministry! Click here to see the fall 2015 insert highlighting our successes thus far!
Want to know how to pledge? Pledge Card
Here is the original brochure about our capital appeal – “THE BRIDGE”
THE BRIDGE: 2015-2017 Capital Appeal
Join us on the Bridge to a New Life in Ministry
June 2015: The stories are still buzzing around about Miracle Sunday. What a great day of being the church! If you were not able to join us, please know that you can make your pledge to The Bridge capital appeal anytime.
Otherwise, brochures and pledge cards can be found at the Welcome Center.
To date we have received $214,517 in gifts which means that 70% of that, $150,162, is going directly to Thrivent to pay down our mortgage and 30%, $64,355, will be transferred to the property improvement fund. So far 178 pledges have been received and we are hoping for over 200 more to come! Yea God! Once we hit our first goal of $800,000 pledged, we will be doing a church wide celebration.
Watch for more information about this! Thank you again for your pledge to move forward as the people of God at Calvary Lutheran Church. The spiritual transformation has begun!